Abigail Stojke – NKBA

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Abigail Stojke

Peacock & Company

Thirty Under 30: Abigail Stojke

Abigail Stojke is one of the outstanding young professionals in NKBA’s Thirty Under 30 Class of 2024.

By Donna Heiderstadt

Abigail Stojke almost gets as much joy from seeing her clients’ reaction to the photorealistic 3D renderings she creates at the beginning of a project as she does from the look on their faces when they step into their new space for the first time. In her Designer/Sales position at South Bend, IN-based Peacock and Company, Inc., where she has worked for six years since graduating from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture, Abigail has been an integral part of some of the company’s largest design-build projects, ranging from kitchens, baths and historic home remodels to whole-house projects.

“My favorite part of my job is probably developing close and trusting relationships with my clients,” 29-year-old Abigail said. “This is a defining characteristic of my work. I recognize the profound impact that our surroundings can have on our well-being. I really try to infuse each of my projects with personalization to reflect how each client lives in and utilizes their space.”

“I recognize the profound impact that our surroundings can have on our well-being. I really try to infuse each of my projects with personalization to reflect how each client lives in and utilizes their space.”

As for her own design preferences, Abigail loves looking to the past. “My favorite historic design styles are Art Nouveau and Midcentury Modern,” she said. “I would say my personal design preferences have touches of Midcentury mixed with cozy florals and plants, vintage and antique elements, or anything that feels straight out of a rustic cottage in the northern Midwest. I love earthy colors, autumnal oranges and reds, yellows, natural greens and blues and warm neutrals.” 

Abigail said her proudest accomplishments, however, have more to do with function than style. She loves helping older clients with designs that allow them to age in place.

Image courtesy of Abigail Stojke.

No matter what the project, you’ll always find music-lover Abigail drawing floor plans or brainstorming design details with her headphones on. She grew up around music, began playing the piano at age six and loves attending live concerts. Lately, her childhood love for crafting has been usurped by nurturing a “plethora of houseplants” and thrifting on weekends. She also adores anything that can be done outside (including running, hiking, skiing, kayaking and camping), and she’s often accompanied by her five-year-old pitbull-American foxhound mix, Juniper, who has even been known to join her for a kayak paddle.

Outdoor destinations continually inspire her, with her favorite vacation spot being Zion National Park in southern Utah. “The feeling of arriving there and driving through the 1.1-mile tunnel and emerging into a hauntingly beautiful array of earthy colors, monumental structures and beautiful textures is something I will never forget,” she said. “The natural world has always been my first creative inspiration. When everything is quiet it allows my mind to just be, recharge and make room for new things to come.”

Class of 2024

Sophia Amiano

Amiano & Son

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Ruth Barnes

Hatchett Design/Remodel

Virginia State

Anna Blinova


Manhattan Chapter

Ashley de Boer

Ashley de Boer Interiors

Vancouver Chapter

Rachel Burger

JL Design

Tennessee Chapter

Jake Hohman

Moen Incorporated

Ohio State Chapter

Kelsey Kinniry

Delta Faucet Company

Indiana State Chapter

Samantha Kunka

Bolyard Lumber

Victor Lebegue

VL Builders

Rocky Mountain Chapter

Olivia McMurtrie

Ferguson Enterprises

Virginia State Chapter

Brittany McQueen

Hometown Homes

Prairie Provinces Chapter

Sydney Melnyk

Redl Kitchens

Prairie Provinces Chapter

Isaac Musket

C&K Custom Remodeling

Columbia River Chapter

Chrystalla Neocleous

The Breakfast Room Ltd.

Metro New York Chapter

Danielle Noah

AJ Madison

Metro New York Chapter

Alexis Novacek

ZLINE Kitchen & Bath

Sierra Nevada Chapter

Kiersten Reed

Monmouth Building Center

Northern New Jersey Chapter

Priscilla Saucedo

Ferguson Enterprises

Southern California Chapter

Lyndsey Seddon

Seddon Design Co.

Northern New England Chapter

Thomas Setnan

Rustic Kitchen & Bath

Sierra Nevada Chapter

Cortney Smith

Torgy's Home Design

Katie Sneed

K. Sneed Design

Abigail Stojke

Peacock & Company

Jamie Stoneking


Chicago Mid West Chapter

Luke Sweigart

Green Forest Cabinetry / Indigo Strategic Holdings

Virginia State Chapter

Kristin Tabor

TABOR Design

Central Florida Chapter

Abby Via

Mosby Building Arts

Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter

Devorah Werner, CKBD


Metro New York Chapter