5 Questions with… John Petrie, CMKBD – NKBA


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5 Questions with… John Petrie, CMKBD

The NKBA | KBIS past president talks about the importance – even necessity – of K+B certification.

NKBA | KBIS recently asked John Petrie, CMKBD, CAPS, owner of Mother Hubbard’s Custom Cabinetry in Mechanicsburg, PA, to talk about why designers should take steps to be certified . The NKBA past-president discussed how certification gives credibility and a competitive advantage to a business as well as helping emerging designers gain a foothold in the industry and make them stand apart. 

Discover how certification can help make a difference in your career >

NKBA: Many young professionals wonder why they should do the work to become certified. And here, you earned your CMKBD by age 27.  What prompted you to go down this path and would you recommend other young professionals do the same or wait  until they are older?  

JP: I studied Architecture in college and soon after had the opportunity to come and work for my father, designing and remodeling kitchens and baths. It didn’t take long until I realized that my Architectural studies had prepared me for good general overall design, but NOT at all for the complex design and details of kitchens and baths. We were NKBA members and sought out further education through the Certification program. It was the best thing we could have done for ourselves and our clients.

NKBA: What, in your point-of-view, are the benefits of becoming a CMKBD and was it worth all of the effort you put into getting the top NKBA certification?

JP: YES, it was definitely worth the time and effort and I would do it again. I think the biggest benefit is the enhanced credibility and professionalism. My Certification provided my clients official recognition of my training and expertise. I felt that certification helped me stand out in a competitive market place. Other benefits include better job opportunities, higher earning potential, ongoing continued education, and confidence.

NKBA: How do you use your certification to market yourself?  And in what way do you see the impact of it on your day-to-day business?

JP: We market our certifications on our website, through social media and case studies on our website. All of our company brochures and our business cards have our appellations listed. I think more importantly when we are talking to our potential clients, we mention our certification and the fact that we are trained specifically for kitchen or bath design, and what ultimately that means to them as our client.

NKBA: What would you tell younger designers who are just starting out who say “I don’t have time to do all that work to be certified” or “ I don’t see any of those top design influencers with certification”. What advice would you give them? 

JP: Sadly I think it is common for younger designers to feel a sense of being overwhelmed with work to do (we are all busy) and finding time for education and certification, especially today when they perhaps see other designers who have not chosen certification. Certification is a significant investment in a designer’s future. It will help their career growth, their skill development in our ever-changing industry as well provide recognition especially for clients who place value on formal qualifications and education. I would strongly encourage them to stay the course and find the time. Achieving something worthwhile often requires effort, persistence, and resilience. Embracing the challenges of pursuing certification can lead to significant rewards.

NKBA: After all these years being a CMKBD, what do you think has been the most important aspect of being certified? 

JP: The most important, singular item has been credibility! It has lead to client confidence, providing trust and assurance to our clients.