June 2024 COU Letter – NKBA


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June 2024 COU Letter

June 2024
Message from the Chapters Team

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Dear Chapter Officers,

Happy Summer and CEU Season! 

For all of our NKBA certified designers, this is the month to submit your CEU credits. The current two-year CEU cycle ends June 30, 2024.

As a reminder, all certified members must have 20 CEU hours submitted and approved for the current cycle by the end of the month. Upload here: CEU Reporting Form.

Chapter Officers earned the following CEUs this year: 0.3 serving as a Chapter Officer; 0.3 attending virtual Chapter Officer Training online; 0.4 attending Leader2Leader at KBIS 2024; plus, you likely attended many other events and programs over the past two years. Check out our June Webinars and earn 0.1 each.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to ceu@nkba.org

Many industries slow down in summer months – not so our Chapters! We’ve been excited and inspired to see what’s ahead in the coming weeks. Rocky Mountain Chapter’s 2024 Star Award-winning Peak Awards gala is just around the corner on June 20. Both Prairie Provinces and Chicago MidWest Chapters have great golf events this month. Following up their fabulous, floral Derby event last month, California Capital is hosting an induction steam cooking Lunch & Learn on June 27. And in perfect CEU seasonality, two of our Chapters – Central New York and British Columbia – will hold double CEU events in the coming days.

Don’t forget to submit your Self-Nomination Form for 2025-2026 Membership Chair and Secretary/Treasurer positions. Looks like we’re in for an exciting election season as well, with many self-noms received in the first week. Keep them coming – July 31 is the deadline.

Here’s to a wonderful, successful June. We’ll see you on our monthly Chapter Officer calls very soon!



Kelly Buchsbaum

Sr. Manager, Chapter Relations
