Affiliated Schools Information and Application – NKBA

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Affiliated Schools Application

If your school or institution is interested in becoming an NKBA | KBIS Affiliated School, please fill out and submit the form below.

Apply Now

The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) stands as a vital force in advancing education within design and its associated fields. Collaborating closely with colleges and universities, NKBA plays a crucial role in preparing students for thriving careers in the industry. 

By becoming a part of the NKBA community, your school and its educators gain access to membership benefits tailored to enhance your institution’s visibility and support its educational endeavors. These benefits include:

  • The school’s logo featured on NKBA’s website.
  • The NKBA Affiliated School logo for your school’s website.
  • Membership in a local, professional NKBA Chapter. 
  • The ability to form an NKBA Student Chapter on campus. 
  • Specialized resources designed specifically for educators.
  • Engaging activities facilitating interaction and career development.
  • Regular communication and updates from NKBA.

Membership for schools within the NKBA network comes at no cost, with educators and receiving complimentary membership and access to an array of supplementary resources. Student memberships are also complimentary, thanks to the generous support of Sub-Zero Group, Inc. 

Requirements for NKBA Affiliated Schools

  • One or more of the following qualifications: degree-granting, not-for-profit, accredited. 
  • A faculty or staff member to serve as primary contact with NKBA. 
  • Regular school verifications completed with NKBA as requested. 

Affiliated Schools Application

"*" indicates required fields

NKBA | KBIS Affiliated Schools Application

Please fill out and submit the form below and a member of our team will review your application.

School Address*
Type of Degree Conferred [Check all that apply]*
Current Enrollment [Short answer for each]
Programs Offered [Check all that apply]*
What CAD software do your students use for their coursework? [Select all that apply]*
Primary Faculty or Staff Contact
Type their names and email addresses in the space provided. Faculty members will receive an invitation to join NKBA if the school’s affiliation is approved. NKBA will not automatically enroll faculty members other than the primary contact listed in this application, pending approval.