October is National Kitchen & Bath Month!
With an entire month dedicated to kitchen and bath, NKBA is going BIG featuring lots of amazing Kitchen + Bath content. We have assembled entertaining and educational articles, videos, and interactive content, including some very fun quizzes to test your knowledge of our industry. So, sit back, scroll, enjoy and perhaps even be inspired by this entire month dedicated to our two favorite rooms!
Did You Know?
Sir John Harington, godson of Queen Elizabeth I, invented the first flush toilet in 1596, but it wasn’t until the 19th century that indoor plumbing and flush toilets became widely used.

Top Kitchen & Bath Stories
View AllMember Interviews with NKBA Manhattan Chapter
As part of Kitchen and Bath Month, the Manhattan Chapter recently hosted their annual “Edu Day” which featured interactive panel discussions and networking opportunities.
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Discover the latest product offerings from Miele.
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Kitchen & Bath Month Featured Webinar
Kim Sturman, NKBA | KBIS Research Manager, provides an in-depth discussion on how to find the balance between functionality and aesthetics in kitchen design, and current trends in culinary arts. The panel also reflects on current sustainability efforts within the appliance industry, and small changes home cooks can make to create more sustainable habits in the kitchen.