April 2025
Message from the Chapters Team
Dear Chapter Officers,
Welcome Spring and NKBA Sustainability Month! This month, we have several sustainability-focused Design + Business Webinars and an NKBA “Sustainability” Specialty Badge discount offer ($99 in the month of April) for our members. Please click here or email badge@nkba.org to take advantage of this month’s special badge discount.
In addition to our April Design + Business Webinars, be sure to check out VFTI On Demand. Catch up on the great VFTI speakers and programs that you wanted to see while at KBIS, and earn CEUs by watching our webinars.
Coming up: VFTI 2026 invitation for speakers and submissions! Applications will be available later this month and will be open May 1 through June 30, 2025. VFTI program speakers will be notified by August 31, 2025 for VFTI at KBIS 2026, to be held in Orlando, February 17-19, 2026.
NKBA + Fabuwood are excited to invite our designer members to apply for the exclusive 2025-2026 Certified Designer Grant Program, sponsored by Fabuwood. Twenty designers will be selected to earn CKBD certification. Applications are open now through May 31, 2025. Thank you again to our NKBA Chapters Platinum Sponsor Fabuwood for supporting NKBA K&B designers and making goals a reality!
Exciting Chapter collaborations are going on! Cheers again to Big Sky and Mountain States Chapters for an incredible three days in Boise last week! Kudos to Big Sky Chapter Communications Chair Scott Abel and both Chapter councils for creating and presenting this multi-chapter event. It was our honor to be there!
Coming up this month, don’t miss the Florida Chapters as they meet up in Orlando, April 29-May 2 at the Coverings trade show. Way to go, Central Florida; South Florida; Florida Treasure Coast; North Florida and other NKBA Chapters and members for celebrating design, spreading the K&B word, and welcoming new prospective NKBA members through your booth at the show!
With one more look back to KBIS and Leader2Leader, check out our NKBA Susquehanna Valley Chapter Officers who were shown on the big screen sans proper title, and our NKBA “Year in Review” video and NKBA “State of the Association” update. We can’t wait to see what the coming months will bring to our Chapters and to NKBA!
Kelly Buchsbaum
Director, Chapters & Learning