Chapter Compliance Form – NKBA

Chapter Compliance Form

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Name*
NKBA Mission Statement: Through the creation of marketplaces, networks and certifications, NKBA will inspire, lead and empower the kitchen and bath industry.
NOTE: Dues-paying members do not include Employee Members (EM), and Students. If chapter has less than the minimum chapter members, provide explanation in Goal #2 below on how the chapter plans to increase membership throughout the coming year.
Bonus Funding Activities

Do you have student-focused activities planned?*
(If yes, give a brief explanation in Goal #6.)
Do you have affiliated school outreach planned?*
(If yes, give a brief explanation in Goal #6.)
Strategic Plan

Give a brief description for any of the following goals your chapter has planned for the coming year.

Requirements Checklist: REMINDER: Have you submitted the following required documents?
  • All 2023 Chapter Meeting Financial Reports
  • 2023 Year-End Financial Report form
  • 2023 Proof of Tax Filing (due by 5/15/24)
  • Chapter events posted on the chapter website
  • All officers participated in virtual training
If not, the required documents can be uploaded below.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 128 MB.