Voices from the Industry – NKBA


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Voices from the Industry

Program Stipulations

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Program Submission Guidelines

  • Submit your proposal by July 5, 2024.
  • You may submit up to 3 proposals with different topics.
  • Please choose your format: 1 hour presentation, 1.5 hour workshop, or on-demand only.
  • Selected speakers will be notified by July 26, 2024, and present at KBIS 2025 in Las Vegas, on one of these dates: 2/25/2025, 2/26/2025, or 2/27/2025.
  • With the exception of workshop presenters, all VFTI speakers must record their presentation for on demand availability. A professional recording session will be arranged for each presenter prior to KBIS 2025. 
  • Reimbursement for travel, meals, and hotel is not provided.

VFTI presentations are an opportunity to share information. They are not a showcase for a business, service, or product. However, you may leave materials on the registration desk for attendees to pick up if they desire and provide contact information in your presentation

Program Tracks & Topics

We’re looking for new content, advanced topics, and fresh ideas. We also welcome previous topics with updated information.

Topics from VFTI 2024 included: 

  • International Kitchen Trends
  • Building Your Best Brand
  • 2024 Global Color and Design Forecast 
  • Kitchen Lighting Done Right
  • No More Free Design: The Secret to Getting a Design Retainer 
  • Stand Out to Scale Up
  • Creating Content People Love to Watch & Share
  • AI’s Impact on Interior Design
  • How Outdoor Kitchen Cabinets Can Change Your Business
  • Home Holistic Wellness + Personal Expression 
  • Emergency Design: How to Help a Client After a Disaster
  • 5 Money Making Secrets of Social Media
  • Art Deco: From Functional to Glamorous
  • Designing for Today’s Luxury Homeowner
  • Secrets to Successfully Managing Change

Program Tracks

Topic areas for 2025 will include: 

  • Building and Remodeling
  • Leadership & Management
  • Design
  • K&B Trends
  • Marketing
  • Hot Topics – New for 2025!

Our new “Hot Topics” track is geared toward trending subjects within the kitchen and bath industry. Please see detailed descriptions in the Submission Planning Worksheet. You must ensure that your presentation content aligns with one of these tracks. 

Presentation Requirements

Selection Criteria

The NKBA will evaluate all proposals on key elements including:

  • Content relevance
  • Practical applications
  • Delivery methods
  • Variety of speakers
  • Previous evaluations (if applicable)

No more than two submissions will be selected from employees from the same company.

Content Requirements

Program proposals will only be accepted through the online submission form. Please review the requirements carefully and refer to the Submission Planning Worksheet to assist you with your proposal.

All sessions must fall under one of these tracks or topic areas:

  • Building & Remodeling
  • Leadership & Management
  • Design
  • Kitchen & Bath Trends
  • Marketing
  • Hot Topics

Proposals must include a title, description, presentation goals and delivery methods. NKBA reserves the right to edit the title and description for length and content.

  • A session must total 60 minutes; please allow time for Q&A within that timeframe.
  • A workshop must total 90 minutes; please allow time for Q&A within that timeframe.
  • A strong proposal will indicate how the attendee will be able to apply your presentation goals practically on the job.

Letter of Agreement

If selected, you and all co-presenters must sign a letter of agreement outlining the full VFTI commitment. 

There will be a requirement for a pre-recorded version of the presentation, in addition to the presentation at KBIS. All recordings will be professionally recorded by the NKBA.


Use the following as a guide to successfully meet the requirements when submitting your proposal.

Presentation Title

The title should capture attention and give session attendees a clear idea of what the presentation will be about (10-word maximum).


Please choose one of the six categories your presentation falls under.

Building & Remodeling: Today’s design-build process is more in tune with the changing design and construction needs of homeowners and requires designers and their teams to have a high degree of collaboration between themselves and contractors. Discuss resources, before-and-after, trends, specialized markets, decision making, budgets, codes, processes, additions.

Leadership & Management: Discover how the strength of an organization – and its potential to generate revenue – depends greatly on the quality of leadership. Achieve positive business results by managing your resources. Control risk by aligning finance, organizational structure, and marketing initiatives with your business goals. Inspire the best from your team through focusing on principles of effective leadership. 

Design: Explore and create aesthetically pleasing and functional kitchens and baths that incorporate all aspects of design to include lighting, plumbing, cabinet installation and more. Design and plan safe and effective kitchens and baths based on the latest industry standards.

Kitchen & Bath Trends: Embrace future consumer or industry trends, pay attention to demographics, add new tools to your portfolio, and prepare your business for new clients.

Marketing: Market your brand for success by learning about automation, website optimization, targeted content, video, AI, social media and more to align your business for a strong advantage over the competition.

Hot Topics: From sustainability, to AI, there’s always something new to talk about in the industry. Take a deep dive into the subjects that everyone is talking about – but may not know much about. Examples for 2025 could include: CRM software and project management, trends in consumer financing, and the growing expectation for smart technology.

Presentation Format

SESSION (1 hour): Mainly lecture format, presentation/class, Q&A at end or during the session. Submit a pre-recorded version for on-demand viewing after KBIS and present live in a conference room during KBIS.

WORKSHOP (1.5 hours): Interactive experience, activities – present live in a conference room during KBIS. Create a product or skill-building, develop strategies, goals, or websites. A more hands-on session may be accomplished by splitting into groups, role playing, etc. There are typically more interactive discussions, handouts or additional materials distributed during workshops, and questions are discussed throughout the session.

ON DEMAND ONLY (1 hour): Mainly lecture format, presentation/class, No Q&A; Submit a pre-recorded version for on-demand viewing after KBIS on NKBA.org.

Audience Experience Level

Please choose Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.

Presentation Description

Give a strong and concise description of your presentation. Include what will be covered in the session, why it is an important topic, and how attendees will benefit from attending. (300-word maximum.)

Learning Objectives

In bullet form, list up to three ways attendees will be able to apply your information practically in the real world. What would the goals of this session be? (100-word maximum.)

Presentation Approach


Simulation/role play

Interactive with audience

Additional Details

Examples of methods that best describe how your content will be presented:

  • Case Studies: Delivering research conducted on specific situations of relevance to our industry, showing a relationship between two or more independent factors.
  • Informational: Knowledge presented by an industry expert.
  • Innovation/Trend: Breakthrough approaches and solutions within the kitchen and bath industry.
  • Research: Any other form of study that leads to new findings in the field.
  • Interactive: Engage attendees with a hands-on learning experience. For example, you might want your attendees to work with building materials, colors, samples, or experience something completely new and innovative.
  • Process / Presentation Delivery (300 words max).


Presentation Title: Market Analytics to Grow your Design/Build Business

Topic Area/Track: Marketing

Presentation Format:  Session (1 hour)

Audience Experience Level: Intermediate

Presentation Description: Showrooms and Design/Build organizations who use data to identify new and underserved markets win business. In our session, we will show you how to utilize market analytics to isolate targetable areas for remodeling activity at different price points. How to optimize marketing spend and optimize marketing messages to cater to different target markets, will be covered. Set up your showroom to meet the needs/expectations of your target consumer.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assist showroom owners to maximize market efforts
  • Shape growth plans to meet expectations of surrounding consumers
  • Isolate new market segments to increase local market share

Presentation Approach:

Presentation and Interactive

Process/Presentation Delivery:

  • PowerPoint slides will be used with a lecture to cover most of the course content.
  • Group discussion to see what current strategies are being used by attendees. Then we will build upon that information using the sample market data provided in the session.
  • Handouts of the PowerPoint will be distributed so that attendees can take notes on them.
Sample Submissions

Sample Submission One

Presentation Title:  Adding Flavor to the Kitchen – Designing Your Kitchen with Color

Topic Area/Track: Design

Presentation Format:  Workshop (1.5 hours)

Audience Experience Level: Intermediate

Presentation Description: Now more than ever Color is finding its place in the Kitchen! This session includes subtle and striking ways to incorporate color in your next Kitchen and the importance of it now in Design. This workshop will explore the history of color in the kitchen (where it’s been and where it’s going), how to incorporate color in fun/creative ways, how to empower your client to use color, what lifestyle trends support specific colors and why, and a simple formula for presenting a colorful mood board.

Learning Objectives:

  • Teach participants an easy formula to make a mood board, either online or on paper
  • Teach fun and creative ways to use color in the kitchen
  • Teach where color has been in kitchen design and where it’s trending

Presentation Approach: Interactive

Process/Presentation Delivery: 

  • PowerPoint presentation with videos and an interview embedded in the PowerPoint.
  • Interactive Q & A with audience
  • Hands on workshop and opportunity to create mood boards as part of the presentation with tips, insights and tricks from presenter
VFTI Speaker Policies

Conference Policies

  • Individuals submitting a proposal must be currently employed within the kitchen & bath industry or a business expert with subject matter relevant to the kitchen & bath industry.
  • Individuals may submit a maximum of three proposals with different topics.
  • Professional audio or video recording of sessions at KBIS is not permitted (KBIS reserves the right to audio and/or video record any session).
  • Voices from the Industry (VFTI) conference speakers will receive a complimentary VIP registration package to KBIS, including a show floor pass, VFTI full conference pass, a ticket to the Industry + Design Awards and a Bash ticket, all valued at over $500. Co-presenter(s) are welcome and must be listed on the submission form. Only two complimentary VIP packages are provided per session/workshop.
  • VFTI Conference speakers will not receive reimbursement for travel expenses or any additional compensation.

Distribution of Materials

  • Promoting brand-specific products or the sale of products is prohibited.
  • The speaker may not actively promote or sell their own book, DVD, etc. 
  • Speakers are permitted to share their bio, website, social handles, etc., as part of the presentation. Additionally, they may provide literature (flyers, brochures, handouts, cards, etc.) in the back of the room for attendees to take.
CEU Credit Information

The NKBA recognizes providers of quality continuing education through its Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Program. NKBA-certified members look to CEU-approved presenters to update or broaden their professional knowledge and skills. If your session is chosen, it will be automatically approved for 0.1 or 0.15 NKBA CEU credits. Approval applies to KBIS 2025 only. It cannot be transferred to another venue; credits will be given toward the recorded sessions as well. By offering CEU credit, presenters will attract NKBA certified members who are looking to increase their knowledge and earn CEUs to maintain their certifications.

Additionally, if you are selected as a VFTI presenter, and hold an NKBA certification, you will earn 0.3 CEU credits per session.

Presenters must meet the NKBA standards for a CEU-worthy session; they must provide at least two to three learning objectives, and the session must total 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Please remember to allow for 10 to 15 minutes of Q&A time.

Presentations may also be approved for NAHB and/or NARI CEU credits.


If you have any questions, please email VFTI@nkba.org.

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